Student Information
Dog Information
Submit Registration
Release of Liability & Hold Harmless Agreement
I understand that there are inherent risks associated with training, socializing, walking and working with dogs in general. I assume any and all responsibility for myself and my dog(s) during training, walking and any other work with Competition Canine and The Training Center, assuming due diligence and care have been exercised. I will not hold Competition Canine and The Training Center, Ann and Peter McQuillen, any affiliates, instructors or property owners responsible for any injuries or misfortunes (to or by me or my dog) while training, walking or any other work, should they occur. I further understand that due to the way that dogs interact with one another, cuts or scratches can occur to me or my dog, even though the dogs are carefully supervised. I also understand that my participation in any of these activities is not without risks such as tripping, falling, getting knocked down, jumped on, bitten, scratched, etc.
I also understand that by enrolling my dog(s) into any of Competition Canine and The Training Center’s programs, classes or seminars that Competition Canine and The Training Center have relied upon my representation that my dog(s) are in good health and have received the necessary vaccinations (or equivalent alternatives) as agreed upon by my veterinarian and that all copies of vaccinations or equivalent alternatives provided by me are true and accurate. If my dog becomes injured or ill and I am not able to administer to my dog, Competition Canine and The Training Center shall have the right to call my veterinarian. In the event of an emergency and my designated veterinarian is unavailable, Competition Canine and The Training Center have the right to take my dog(s) to the nearest animal hospital for immediate care. I agree to reimburse, in full, Competition Canine and The Training Center for any medical expenses accrued while under the supervision of Competition Canine and The Training Center. Competition Canine and The Training Center will not be held responsible for any decisions made by the veterinarian on the dog’s behalf.
Some programs are not appropriate for all dogs. Competition Canine and The Training Center, Ann and Peter McQuillen, any affiliates and/or instructors reserve the right to remove or refuse a dog from any of the training classes, seminars or programs. Competition Canine and The Training Center, Ann and Peter McQuillen, any affiliates and/or instructors reserve the right to dismiss anyone, including but not limited to dogs or their handlers, from any class, seminar or private training session for displaying inappropriate behavior or conduct. Inappropriate behavior or conduct by dogs or handlers will be determined solely by the instructor, seminar leader and/or Ann McQuillen or affiliates of Competition Canine and The Training Center.
I further agree and understand that no agent, instructor, affiliate or employee of Competition Canine and The Training Center, Ann and Peter McQuillen, or property owners will be responsible to stand watch over the activities of my dog(s) and others that might be present upon the premises and upon the activities of myself, other class members, guests of members and other invitees. I take it upon myself to ask questions and use my own common sense with regard to my dog(s), my dog’s activity and participation in any class, seminar or private training session or at any other time I am present at The Training Center.
I hereby release and agree to save and hold harmless, Competition Canine and The Training Center, Ann and Peter McQuillen, any affiliates, instructors or property owners from any and all liability, claims, suits, actions, loss, injury or damage of any nature or kind, or for any liability, claims, suits, actions, loss, injury or damage which I or my dog(s) may sustain or which may be caused in any way by my dog(s). I specifically, without limitation, agree to fully indemnify Competition Canine and The Training Center, Ann and Peter McQuillen, any affiliates, instructors or property owners for any and all such liability, claims, suits, actions, losses, injury or damage. I understand that I am solely financially responsible for any damage or harm caused by my dog during training, socializing, or walking.Media Release
I give all rights to and permission to Competition Canine and The Training Center and Ann McQuillen, to use any and all photos or videos taken in class or during a private training session or seminar to be posted on their website, used in advertising and/or any flyer or other social media representation that they deem desirable. I agree to permit Competition Canine and The Training Center and Ann McQuillen, for publicity or promotional purposes, to use the name, image, and/or like- ness of Student and/or Student’s dog(s) as well as the voice or sound of either Student and/or Student’s dog(s) without notice, claim, liability or obligation.Electronic Signature Consent
By typing your name in the field below, you consent to signing this document electronically.