rally signs


Rally is about teamwork. Dogs and handlers move continuously through a course of 10-20 different signs doing different skills at each location. Courses range from simple to complex and are different every time.

Rally increases your dog's focus, enhances the dog-handler bond, and sharpens your dog's obedience skills and behaviors at home and in public.

Classes Offered

Beginning Rally

This class is for novice dogs and handlers. Basic rally skills are taught plus dogs and handlers learn to navigate the 10-15 signs they will see on a novice course. Class runs continuously. Join at any time by paying for the number of sessions in the month. Class Fees: $20 per session paid by the month. Contact Instructor regarding drop in availability.

  • Join at Any Time Thursday 4:30 p.m. Instructor: Wiglesworth
Rally 2


This class is for dog/handler teams who have basic skills and are ready to move on to more complex courses. The 12-17 advanced signs are taught, and teams work on course elements each week. Dogs start on lead and work toward off lead performance. Class is mix of Intermediate/ Advanced dogs. Class runs continuously. Join at any time by paying for the number of sessions in the month. Class Fees: $20 per session paid by the month. Prerequisite: Beginning Rally or Instructor permission.

  • Join at Any Time. Thursday 3:30 p.m. Instructor: Wiglesworth


This class is for the dog/handler teams who are ready to show or are currently showing and want to enhance and sharpen their performances. All work is done off lead. Class is mix of Intermediate/Advanced dogs. Class runs continuously. Join at any time by paying for the number of sessions in the month. Class Fees: $20 per session paid by the month. Prerequisite: Intermediate Rally or Instructor permission.

  • Join at Any Time. Thursday 5:45 p.m. Instructor: Wiglesworth
A person is standing next to a Rally - Advanced with a sign in front of it.


We offer semi-private instruction for groups up to four dogs at a time a date that is convenient for you. All Semi-Private Instruction is in one-hour increments. Enroll for the instruction and a trainer will contact you directly to set a date and time. Class Fee: $80/hour/student

  • Semi-Private Instruction Rally
bc rALLY


We offer private instruction at a time a date that is convenient for you. All Private Instruction is in one-hour increments. Enroll for the instruction and a trainer will contact you directly to set a date and time.  Class Fee: $80/hour

  • Private Instruction Rally


If you are ready to submit a video of for an AKC vitrual rally title, you can do that via video for you.

First you enroll for a Virtual Rally Video Session at the appropriate level. One of our videographers will contact you to schedule a time for you to come to the center to do the video. We'll video on your equipment or ours. We'll provide you with the video so you can submit it to AKC for consideration. We can video multiple courses at a session. You will enroll for each session separately. Video Session Fee: $40/course.

  • Virtual Video Session
A woman walking a dog on a leash.

Classes are kept small so we can individualize instruction to maximize your results (6-8 students).

American Kennel Club AKC.org
United Kennel Club UKC Dogs.com/Rally