Classes Offered

Agility Training
Agility is a timed team sport where the dog and handler navigate a series of obstacles at speed.
Dogs of any heritage, purebred or mixed, can compete. With more than 8 sanctioning organizations, there is a style of agility for everyone. Comp K9 classes are focused on building a strong foundation that can be applied to any flavor of agility and helping you learn the equipment and course handling skills to implement them. On top of that, it’s just plain fun!
Agility Foundation 1
It all begins with introducing the dog to the obstacles, teaching basic jumping skills, the travel board, drive work and learning to work independently. This class covers the basics needed to get started in the sport. 6-week session: $150

Agility Foundation 2
This class begins where Foundation 1 left off and polishes skills with a focus on independent contacts and solid weaves. Beginning handling, advanced chaining and basic rules common to all organizations are included. Prerequisite Foundation 1 or Instructor Approval. 6-week session: $150

Beginning Agility
This class starts to put it all together. Dogs must have a solid sit or down stay, be able to perform most, if not all obstacles off lead, understand basic obstacle chaining and be able work as part of a team with their handler. Class Fees: $20/class/month or $25 drop in if paid by the class. There will be intermediate dogs working in this group. Paid monthly. Students may join class at any time during the month by paying fees for the number of sessions left in the month.

Intermediate Agility
This class focuses on continuity, command placement, setting a line and working as a team. It introduces various challenges seen on course, teaches beginning course analysis and helps prepare dogs and handlers as they begin to compete. Dogs must be able to consistently perform obstacles independently and take direction while running the course off lead at speed. Class Fees: $20/class/paid monthly or $25 per class if paid by class. There may be advanced beginner dogs in this group. Students may join class at any time during the month by paying fees for the number of sessions left in the month.

Advanced Agility
This class focuses on handling, course analysis, and independent performance. Dogs must have consistent performance on the contacts, weaves and be able to work well with the handler under distraction. Distance work and games strategy is introduced and perfected. Dogs in this class are currently showing or ready to show. Friday's class is Intermediate/Advanced mix. Class Fees: $20/class/month. Paid monthly. Students may join class at any time during the month by paying fees for the number of sessions left in the month.

We offer semi-private instruction for groups up to four dogs at a time a date that is convenient for you. All Semi-Private Instruction is in one-hour increments. Enroll for the instruction and a trainer will contact you directly to set a date and time. Class Fee: $80/hour

We offer private instruction at a time a date that is convenient for you. All Private Instruction is in one-hour increments. Enroll for the instruction and a trainer will contact you directly to set a date and time. Class Fee: $80/hour

Classes are kept small so we can individualize instruction to maximize your results (6-8 students).